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Terms of Use
利用規約 EN
About site
The following description applies to websites operated and managed by anrielle official site.
Please read the terms of use etc. and use it only when you agree with these conditions.
Please note that this usage policy may be changed and revised without prior notice, so please check the latest contents before using.
The following acts are strictly prohibited when using our website.
Acts that are, or may possibly be, contrary to public order and morals.
Acts that are, or may possibly be, criminal acts or acts of lead to criminal acts.
The act of making a false declaration and notification, such as registering an e-mail address of another person.
Acts that are, or may possibly be,damaging the honor or credibility of a third party our site.
Acts that are, or may possibly be,disadvantageous or damaging to a third party or our site.
Acts that are, ore may possibly be, infringing or possibly acting against third parties or our property or privacy etc.
Acts that are, or may possibly be, use or provide harmful programs, such as computer viruses.
Acts that are, or may possibly be, violate and infringinging laws, regulations or ordinances.
Other actions that we deem inappropriate.
Use of cookies
On our website, we may use technology called "cookie" so that you can use it comfortably when you visit the site again.
"Cookie" is a standard technology that a web server identifies your computer.
"Cookie" can identify your computer, but you can not identify yourself unless you enter your personal information.
Depending on your browser, you can change the setting to disable the cookie function, but as a result some or all of the services on the webpage may not be available.
For details on cookie, please check here.
About supported browsers
Content posted on our website is compatible only with various latest browsers of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge unless otherwise noted.
In some cases, specific plug-in software may be required.
Although we pay maximum attention to the production and display / operation check of contents, please contact us if there is any trouble by any chance.
We are paying close attention to posting information on our website, but we ask whether the content of these information is accurate, whether it is useful or not, whether it is reliable or not I will not guarantee about whether it is suitable, whether it is safe or not.
In addition, we are not responsible for any damages caused by the use of these information by you or not being able to use it, or by using this website.
As for the website, please understand beforehand because we may suspend or cancel the information change on the site without notice.
Please note that we are not responsible for any damages caused by changes in information or interruption or discontinuation of operation of this website, regardless of the reason.
About copyright, portrait rights, etc.
Copyright rights, portrait rights, etc. of images posted on this site belong to each rights owner.
We will not use (copy, modify, upload, post, transmit, distribute, license, sell, publish etc) information without permission of this site and each rights owner and for personal use or beyond the scope permitted by law Including) is prohibited.
When using images, articles, etc. beyond the scope permitted by the copyright law such as "reproduction for private use" or "quote", please apply in e-mail or iquety form.
About advertisement
Third party distributors including Google distribute advertisements based on past access information to this website using cookies on this site.
Third party distributors may use information on access to this site or other sites for the purpose of displaying advertisements of products and services according to user's interests (name, address, e-mail Address, phone number are not included).
Please refer to the "Privacy Policy" for details of this process and how to prevent these information from being used by third party distributors.
About the links
The link to our site is free regardless of profit, non-profit or intranet. However, please note the following items after linking.
We do not prepare buttons for page link.
The link destination of our website is https: // Although it does not restrict the link to other pages, even if that page is changed / deleted, it is assumed that there is no duty of notification.
We will not misunderstand or misunderstand the pages of your company or your website that link to our website as if it were pages of our website. Especially we will refuse the link in the frame. Please display it in a separate window.
The link to our website does not grant any right to you or your company for information or images on our website..
In addition, even if you read this content and are linked, we do not guarantee anything against you or you or take any responsibility.
Any act infringing on the rights of the Anrielle official website or other third parties on the Company or your website linked to our website, acts of defaming the credibility / honor of other third parties, against the public order and morality If any actions deemed inappropriate by the Company, acts, or other actions taken, we will immediately stop linking to the page.
利用規約 JP
「クッキー」はお客様のコンピューターを識別することはできますが、 お客様が個人情報を入力しない限りお客様自身を識別することはできません。
なお、お使いのブラウザによっては、 その設定を変更してクッキーの機能を無効にすることはできますが、 その結果ウェブページ上のサービスの全部または一部がご利用になれなくなることがあります。
当サイトに掲載されているコンテンツは特に記述の無い限り、Chrome・Firefox・Safari・Edge の各種最新版ブラウザにのみ対応しております。
コンテンツの制作および表示・動作確認には最大限の注意を払っておりますが、万一不具合がございましたら、 当サイト宛にご連絡ください。
当社は、ウェブサイトに情報を掲載するに当たり細心の注意を払っていますが、 これらの情報の内容が正確であるかどうか、有用なものであるかどうか、確実なものであるかどうか、目的に合ったものであるかどうか、安全なものであるかどうか等につきましては保証致しません。
また、当社はお客様がこれらの情報を使用されたこと、もしくはご使用になれなかったこと、 また、このウェブサイトをご利用になったことにより生じるいかなる損害についても責任を負うものではありません。
なお、当社は理由の如何に関わらず、 情報の変更及びこのウェブサイトの運用の中断または中止によって生じるいかなる損害についても責任を負うものではありません。
当サイトで掲載している画像、記事等を「私的使用のための複製」や「引用」など、著作権法で認められている範囲を超え て利用する際は、メール又はお問い合わせフォームからお申し込みください。
当サイトはGoogle を含む第三者配信事業者が Cookie を使用して、当ウェブサイトへの過去のアクセス情報に基づいて広告を配信しています。
当社ウェブサイトへリンクする貴社または貴殿のウェブサイトのページが、当社のウェブサイトのページであるかのように誤解・誤認されることのないようにしていただきます。 特にフレーム内でのリンクはお断りいたします。別ウィンドウで表示させていただきますようお願いいたします。
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